Saturday, December 1, 2012

For someone ...

I don't know if you love or not...
but, i think you like me.. :) hehe
Hahaha.. ok, ok, hmm.. maybe i just imagining. LOL :p

but.. i'm not ready yet to.. to tell you what i am feeling right now.

I am not ready..

But, someday.. you will know that i love you..
i just hope you love me too..

but, if you're not. it's ok. i will appreciate it. :)

Is it problem if we can be bestfriend?

i don't wanna to be your girlfriend.. i mean i don't wanna we have a "special relationship"

i just can not forget all our memories we did together.

SMILE ... Is always i see in your face..
When i see your SMILE, i SMILE.. AND... I just can not breath.. Hahaha :))

Supports ! yeahhh.. you always give me supports when i am down.

You always help me to stay calm down, you touched me, and you gave me your special smile.. and i think, you made it just for me... :D

I NEVER bored to see your smile.. :)

(Taking breath) i dont know .. i feel.. i think .. you absolutely sure have a " New special one "

hehemm.. yap, who owns your heart.....

i am not sure. is it right or not? but, i felt it.. my feeling tell me. my feeling know about this.

You should know.. i, i am broken.. i just can't ... i always upset, when i thought you have a special one.. 
it is so HURT !!!

Really.. really hurt..
it just wont feel right .. for.. me.

And  all i just want is .......

you're here
                   beside me
                                   listen all my story
                                                         we sharing
                              supports each other ..

just that