Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Expect the Unexpected

( This post supposed to be posted yesterday. But, cause technical errors. I was late to post this -.- )

Now, i wanna share GOOD NEWS !!! It is literally can be call with "Expect the Unexpected"

So, i wanna tell you guys that at this time, actually it started a week a go, Beliebers gonna have NEW MUSIC EVERY MONDAY!
Yup! Justin gonna release his new songs EVERY MONDAY! Woohooooooo!!!!

Honestly, Justin made my Mondays even more exciting!!! haha :D

Well, yeah 
Justin got his beliebers too much surprises!

Oh yeah,
almost four months since Justin told that he wanna release his new single... Wait. WHAT??? FOUR MONTHS?! FOUR ... MONTHS ??!!

Yeah, admit it. After 4 MONTHS he told us that he wanna release his new single called "SOON" lol
oh yeah, if we are talking about "Soon" ...

Do you guys know what is "SOON"? 

In Oxford Dictionary, soon means :
in or after a short time. in a short time after now; a short time after something else had happened (adv), and early or quickly (adv).

Sooo, soon means not take a long time. Soon means not take the time til 4 MONTHS! haha :P
Hhhhhh... this kid.. this kid -_-


After Beliebers Promoted heartbreaker in every way .....

And after Beliebers ...........

And yeah, a week a go, Justin finally posted this :
@justinbieber's instagram (7Oct2013)

a week ago, he just had released "Heartbreaker" 
HEARTBREAKER released on 7Oct2013

 AND OH MY GOD ..............


You MUST listen to it! And, What is Heartbreaker about?

This is what heartbreaker about 

In my opinion, Justin wrote this song cause this song is dedicated for his relationship with Selena Gomez. Am i kidding you? No! This is real. Now, if you dont trust me. I'll give you the lyrics of heartbreaker. And, you just need to hear it, feel it, feel the meaning of the lyrics that he wrote at this song. Check this out!

That's the lyrics. So, what do you think? what do you feel? Is it so heart touching, isn't it?
Honestly, i really wanna look they're back together again.
They could spend their times together.
Laugh, Cry, Hug ...
Their relationship is really sweet.

And this fact that's really made me sure that this song really dedicated for Selena

And, i just hope they could be back again. Together again :)

Well... that was 1st SURPRISES 
And now, you wanna know what's the next surprises? 
Wait til i post the next post ;)

Bye !!!
Wanna listen to "HEARTBREAKER" for the 1665218773567371764 times lol 

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