Sunday, October 13, 2013

Indonesia doesn't in Believe Tour Dates (2nd leg - ASIA)

Well, Hiiiii!!!
I'm backkkk with BAD NEWS
I knew that you've understood after look at the title of this post.
Yeaahh.. That's the bad news, isn't it?

Well, guys..
it's been almost five months i've not blogged here. I'm too busyyyyy. Superrr Bussyyyy!!! same as hollywood stars. lol :D
okay, that was a bored joke -_-

Well yeah, now i wanna explain this bad news here. After i posted my last post, the Believe Tour dates {second leg} finally announced. The result? Here you are the result of Believe Tour Dates (2nd leg, ASIA)

Believe Tour Dates ASIA 
Now, what do you think? Do you see Indonesia there? Do you see it? Ha? Yup, what did i say? Indonesia doesn't in The Believe Tour Dates Asia. So, this was me after i looked at that.

This is true, not fake. Scooter told us to check it from The Wikipedia. So, this dates i took from Wikipedia. Wikipedia is impossible give the fake news. Then what? I just can't take this. It's made me get the heart attack actually. Ya, seriously, this is really unbelieveable. There are too many questions why Indonesia doesn't in this dates. First, as we know, and i'm sure Justin knows that Indonesia has the most beliebers in the SouthEast Asia. Why Justin didn't put Indonesia in the Believe Tour Dates Asia? If he put Indonesia there, he would meet and sing his beautiful song to his All Beliebers in Indonesia, right?

And this, i want to show you the reactions of Beliebers Indonesia after saw it.

They just same like me, they just couldn't accept it. 
To be honest, im really dissapointed. Very dissapointed. Extremely.

i just hope that Justin can change his mind. There are possibility that Justin would add Indonesia to the Believe Tour Dates Asia and i could see him in the closer and hear his beautiful voice in MY REAL LIFE, NOT DREAMS ANYMORE. BUT DREAMS BECOME REAL !!! Amen :")

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