Hi Guys!!
Gue mau share nihhh!!
Kemarin, tepatnya hari Sabtu, 26 Oktober 2013
I got a new experience!
Felt very pleased :")
Jadi, new experience nya itu adalah gue dapat kesempatan jadi bagian dari acara TER-Fantastik di Sekolah gue yaitu dimana lagi kalau bukan di SMAN 8 TANGERANG!
So, SMAN 8 TANGERANG mengadakan event yang tahun ini gak kalah hebatnya dari event-event tahun kemarin. Tahun ini nama event-nya adalah Futuristik 2013!!!
Jadi, yang bikin gue bangga adalah gue bisa jadi a part of this event!
Gue kemarin tampil bersama teman-teman PADUS :D
We are choosen for The Opening Futuristik 2013!
Kita semua menyanyikan lagu Hymne SMAN 8 TANGERANG dan Mars SMAN 8 TANGERANG \^o^/
Awalnya sempat nervous. But, we could handle it well :)
Dan semoga, gue bisa tampil lagi di lain acara bersama teman-teman padus gue.
Sing together share happiness!!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
It's time for Sushi !!!
Well, Guys :D
Gue sengaja nge-posting banyak post hari ini soalnya banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak bangetttt yang gue mau share ;)
sekarang gue mau share tentang experience gue sama temen-temen yang gue yang comel-comel. So, semenjak gue duduk di kelas 11 IPS SMAN 8 TANGERANG ini, I really had a lot of fun same as like when i was together with Cungux :) Jujur aja yaa, bedanya sih kalo pas di Cungux itu bennnnerrrr-bennnnerrr Cungux dah! Cungux plus Crazier. lol :D
Nah, kalau di kelas 10 kemarin kan gue dapat subject tambahannya Bhs.Arab. Ha? Gue bisa atau gak ngomong bhs.arab? Yaa bisalaahhh!! Alhamdulillah.. dikit-dikit :3 wkwk Contohnya? Uhmm.. contohnya kayak "Masha Allah... Hazza Syai'un Jamil.." yang artinya "Masha Allah... Ente hebat sekali..." kalo gak salah ye itu artinye, yee, kalo gak salah soalnya gue lupa artinya -_- tapi bahasa arab nye masih inget kokk!!
Nah truss, kalo di kelas 11 ini, gue dapat subject tambahannya Bhs.Jepanggg!!!
Pasti dah, sebagian dari lu semua udah pada tau bahasa jepang itu kayak gimana. Jujur aja ya, sebenernya bhs. jepang itu fun banget!! Fun-nya itu yaa lu bisa tambah lagi pengetahuan tentang bhs.Jepang. Jadi, ya lu gak cuma tau bahasa jepangnya "Terimakasih" yaitu "Arigatou" truss, bahas jepangnya "Iya" yaitu "Haii"
Kalo bahasa itu mah udah kagak jaman lagi! Udah terlalu mainstream! Basi!
Tapi, dengan belajar bhs.jepang ya lu bisa tau juga kalo bhs.jepanngya "warna biru" yaitu "Ao" trus kalo bhs. jepangnya "Selamat Makan" yaitu "Itadakimasu" trussss kalo lu mau ucapin temen lu yang lagi ulang tahun "Happy B'day" yaitu "Omedetou otanjyoubi" *itu gue dpt dari "sensei tersayang" gue yang juga duduk semeja sama gue. Her name is Rina :3 fyi nih ye, dia itu orangnya putihhhhhh bangetttttttttt!!! Lebih putih dari warna gigi yang di iklan-iklan! Kalo gue duduk sama die ye, gue itu berasa lagi main iklan handbody gitu. Yaaa.. yaaa ituu... Yaaa, gue sebagai cewek yang belum pake handbody nya, trus si Rina nya sebagai cewek yang udah pake handbody. Yaaa.. ya gitu deh, gue yakin lu udah ngerti tanpa gue menjelaskan lebih detail lagi -_- wkwkw
Okehh, lanjuttt!! Nah, karena ada bhs.jepang. Ya, pasti dong yaaa, Jepang gak jauh-jauh, nempel terussss, ya yang pasti gak sama seperti keadaan kita berdua sekarang. Yang sama-sama jauh ... *Ceilahhhhhh!!! apaan cobaa saaaa.. Jangan curhat disini -..- Maksud ih -___-
Ya! Jepang itu identik sama yang namanya "Sushi"
Nahh, akhirnyaaahhhh!!! Gue bareng temen-temen gue mencoba untuk membuat Sushi!!
Sebenernya gak sulit sih, jujur.. ya,, asalkan bahan-bahannya ada semua, dijamin itu gak bakal sulit. Trus, gue sekelompok nih sama "sensei tersayang" gue yaitu Rina, trus sama si cewek yang comel satu ini lhoo. Ituu lhoo, yang penyanyi papan atas apartment ituuu!! Iyee!! "Fatin" aka "Ijul" :P Trus sama Robby, Nopal sama Intan :)
Nahhh, seperti yang gue bilang tadi, asal ada bahan-bahannya, pasti! jamin kagak bakal sulit! Dan untungnya nih ye, Syukur Alhamdulillah, Rina udah pernah bikin sushi, So, kita juga bisa belajar dari Rina gimana caranye bikin sushi :D
Bahan-bahan yang kelompok gue siapin untuk bikin sushi yang pastinya gak jauh beda dari sushi-sushi kelompok lain yaitu :
1. Beras Jepang : It's a MUST! Sebenernya sih gak papa kalo pake beras Indonesia mah. Gue aja kemarin kena tipu sama abangnye. Dia bilang beras jepang, eh kagak taunye beras nye sama kayak yang sehari-hari si Rina makan, yaitu beras pulen -_-
2. Tiker Sushi/ Roll untuk Sushi : Ini wajib juga nih.. Kalo gak ada ginian gimane ceritanya mau gelundungin sushi nya biar jadi bulat?
3. Isiannya : Isiannya sihh ya sesuai selera ya. Kalo kelompok gue ya orangnya berkelas semua ya.. xD kita pake Tempura, Sosis Sapi, Telur dadar, Beuhh mantep!
4. Bahan tambahan lainnya : bahan tambahan lainnya yaa kayak mayonese, timun jepang, saos sambal botol, selada, tomat, paprika
5. Time to make our sushi with our creativities!!! ;D
Gue juga mau share picts selama kita buat sushi. Sebenernya, tugas gue cuma pada saat kita bikin sushi ini cuma : Ngerekam, Take the picts, Yaa... makan sushi nya beserta sosis dan tempura hahaha xD
Sebenernya, proses pembuatan sushi nya ada, tapi gak gue foto, cuma di rekam.
Rekamannya menyusul yaa!!!! ;D
So, here you're the picts!!!
This Is Our Second Sushi called "Dragon Ball Sushi" |
This is our first sushi!! ^,^ |
This is Intan with Our first sushi ^.^ |
Intan with Our second Sushi that called "Dragon Roll Sushi" |
This is Nopal |
This is Our Singer "Ijul" :D |
This is Me *abaikan muka gue -_-* |
This Robby! Look how dare he is! He tried to eat the Dragon Roll ! |
*from left to right* ~ Intan - Ijul - Rina - Me ~ |
*from the back left to the right ~ Vladimir - Rina - Me - Ecen - Sensei - Adinda - Intan - Markus - Danny ~ |
See yaaa!
Expect the Unexpected
( This post supposed to be posted yesterday. But, cause technical errors. I was late to post this -.- )
Now, i wanna share GOOD NEWS !!! It is literally can be call with "Expect the Unexpected"
So, i wanna tell you guys that at this time, actually it started a week a go, Beliebers gonna have NEW MUSIC EVERY MONDAY!
Yup! Justin gonna release his new songs EVERY MONDAY! Woohooooooo!!!!
Honestly, Justin made my Mondays even more exciting!!! haha :D
AND OH MY GOD ..............
Now, i wanna share GOOD NEWS !!! It is literally can be call with "Expect the Unexpected"
So, i wanna tell you guys that at this time, actually it started a week a go, Beliebers gonna have NEW MUSIC EVERY MONDAY!
Yup! Justin gonna release his new songs EVERY MONDAY! Woohooooooo!!!!
Honestly, Justin made my Mondays even more exciting!!! haha :D
Well, yeah
Justin got his beliebers too much surprises!
Oh yeah,
almost four months since Justin told that he wanna release his new single... Wait. WHAT??? FOUR MONTHS?! FOUR ... MONTHS ??!!
Yeah, admit it. After 4 MONTHS he told us that he wanna release his new single called "SOON" lol
oh yeah, if we are talking about "Soon" ...
In Oxford Dictionary, soon means :
in or after a short time. in a short time after now; a short time after something else had happened (adv), and early or quickly (adv).
Sooo, soon means not take a long time. Soon means not take the time til 4 MONTHS! haha :P
Hhhhhh... this kid.. this kid -_-
After Beliebers Promoted heartbreaker in every way .....
And yeah, a week a go, Justin finally posted this :
a week ago, he just had released "Heartbreaker"
almost four months since Justin told that he wanna release his new single... Wait. WHAT??? FOUR MONTHS?! FOUR ... MONTHS ??!!
Yeah, admit it. After 4 MONTHS he told us that he wanna release his new single called "SOON" lol
oh yeah, if we are talking about "Soon" ...
Do you guys know what is "SOON"?
in or after a short time. in a short time after now; a short time after something else had happened (adv), and early or quickly (adv).
Sooo, soon means not take a long time. Soon means not take the time til 4 MONTHS! haha :P
Hhhhhh... this kid.. this kid -_-
After Beliebers Promoted heartbreaker in every way .....
And after Beliebers ...........
@justinbieber's instagram (7Oct2013) |
a week ago, he just had released "Heartbreaker"
HEARTBREAKER released on 7Oct2013 |
You MUST listen to it! And, What is Heartbreaker about?
This is what heartbreaker about
In my opinion, Justin wrote this song cause this song is dedicated for his relationship with Selena Gomez. Am i kidding you? No! This is real. Now, if you dont trust me. I'll give you the lyrics of heartbreaker. And, you just need to hear it, feel it, feel the meaning of the lyrics that he wrote at this song. Check this out!
That's the lyrics. So, what do you think? what do you feel? Is it so heart touching, isn't it?
Honestly, i really wanna look they're back together again.
They could spend their times together.
Laugh, Cry, Hug ...
Their relationship is really sweet.
And this fact that's really made me sure that this song really dedicated for Selena
And, i just hope they could be back again. Together again :)
Well... that was 1st SURPRISES
And now, you wanna know what's the next surprises?
Wait til i post the next post ;)
Bye !!!
Wanna listen to "HEARTBREAKER" for the 1665218773567371764 times lol
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Indonesia doesn't in Believe Tour Dates (2nd leg - ASIA)
I'm backkkk with BAD NEWS
I knew that you've understood after look at the title of this post.
Yeaahh.. That's the bad news, isn't it?
Well, guys..
it's been almost five months i've not blogged here. I'm too busyyyyy. Superrr Bussyyyy!!! same as hollywood stars. lol :D
okay, that was a bored joke -_-
Well yeah, now i wanna explain this bad news here. After i posted my last post, the Believe Tour dates {second leg} finally announced. The result? Here you are the result of Believe Tour Dates (2nd leg, ASIA)
Believe Tour Dates ASIA |
This is true, not fake. Scooter told us to check it from The Wikipedia. So, this dates i took from Wikipedia. Wikipedia is impossible give the fake news. Then what? I just can't take this. It's made me get the heart attack actually. Ya, seriously, this is really unbelieveable. There are too many questions why Indonesia doesn't in this dates. First, as we know, and i'm sure Justin knows that Indonesia has the most beliebers in the SouthEast Asia. Why Justin didn't put Indonesia in the Believe Tour Dates Asia? If he put Indonesia there, he would meet and sing his beautiful song to his All Beliebers in Indonesia, right?
And this, i want to show you the reactions of Beliebers Indonesia after saw it.
They just same like me, they just couldn't accept it.
To be honest, im really dissapointed. Very dissapointed. Extremely.
i just hope that Justin can change his mind. There are possibility that Justin would add Indonesia to the Believe Tour Dates Asia and i could see him in the closer and hear his beautiful voice in MY REAL LIFE, NOT DREAMS ANYMORE. BUT DREAMS BECOME REAL !!! Amen :")
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