Friday, November 22, 2013

Am i exist, Justin?

I have been waiting for almost 3 years to get the gold chance that's get a notice and a follow from a boy who always comes in into my dream, yup, Justin. 
I can't be a liar. That's the fact. I'm telling you the truth, not fake.

Sometimes, i feel 'jelly' at my friends in my class that's SOC1st, 8SHS {SMAN 8 TANGERANG}.
Especially at Isal and Dedep.
I have no idea, they were too lucky!!!
Justin had noticed and followed both of them!
It put me lil bit down, honestly. 
And, they weren't expected though that Justin followed them!
Ahh ... i missed too much opportunity...

And, these things that put me really down ...
"November, 19th 2013
Justin noticed and followed almost 100 Beliebers ..." 
I didn't count them. lol
But, that's my prediction.
Many congrats to them ...

Here's some of Belieber's tweets that was replied by Justin.

Please say "Amen" if you read the caption of the picts. Because, they're my hope.
It'd mean The World to me, guys ...
Thankyou so much :)

*Courtesy : Justin's Timeline ... -le crying-*

She succeed to put "Thankyou Justin" as her name.
"I hope, i'll turn someday ..."

"Please, gives me the proof too, Justin ..."



This tweet made me can't stop to laughing HAHA xD
How cute this tweet is :D

"No, It's possible to me to get noticed by @justinbieber!"

"Sigh! me too! He ignores me almost 3 years. He must stop doing that to me!"

"Not forever, maybe today or 'SOON' ... he's gonna notice me .."

"I'd loved to!"

This the sweetest tweet ever, BiebsHeaven ! :)

"I'm gonna never give up. Yes. Justin is going to follow and notice me. It's OK! ;)"

Dear Justin Bieber ...

please search @Lisa_Ulfah on twitter.
I've been waitin' for you almost 3 years. Hope you understand that it is not a short time to get all i wanted from you so far ...
I love you, Kidrauhl 

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