Sunday, November 24, 2013

Gotta have them!

Well, 7 days left to the exams of the 1st semester in 8SHS {SMAN 8 TANGERANG}!

Sebelum exams mulai, pasti di kepala kita tuh udah terbayang-bayang dan gak bisa sabar-an sama yang namanya HOLIDAYS or RELAXING!
Contohnya yaaa ... kayak gue ini! haha xD

Seminggu sebelum exams aja gue nge-rasa udah pingin cepet-cepet melanjutkan adventure gue! Di kepala gue ini udah banyak lists yang bakal gue lakuin abis exams!

Lists that i wanna do after fought with the exams :

  • Watch "Frozen" by Disney. 
It will be released in Indonesia 2 days left! But ... i've to prepare for the exams. So, i'll watch it later after punched the exams :))) CAN'T WAIT!!!! *FYI, Demi Lovato released her cover of "Let It Go" for the film's soundtrack!!! TE AMO DEMI !!! :*

  • Watch "This Is Us" 3D movie by One Direction. 

Poor me. I haven't watched it yet! Otherwise, my seat mates, Rina had watched it! She doesn't really love 1D but because her friends was chillin at her house then they asked her to watch "This Is Us" so she agreed and she watched it! And Rina watched it just a day after it had been released!!!! I've tried to have a free time to watch it. But, i wasn't able to. I had to accompany my dad to Ambon. Well, i'm gonna buy and watch it after the exams!!! 

  • Watch "Believe Movie" by Justin Bieber.

This. movie. is. a. MUST! 
This is the 2nd documentary film by Justin Bieber. The 1st documentary film is "Never Say Never".
I've watched "NSN". It was too AWESOME! Never bored to watch it. Happy and Sad moments are mixed in "Never Say Never". 

And, now, he's gonna release his 2nd movie. That's "Believe Movie".
I think it's not gonna be too different with "NSN Movie." 
And ofcourseee!!! It's gonna be MORE AWESOME than NSN! :))))

It'll be released on Christmas Day. Yeahh.. a month left. Buttt, it still not sure whether it will available in Indonesia or not. Because, this movie releases in the LIMITED TIME ONLY!

Thankfully, @justinbieberID [the official fanpage for Indonesian's Beliebers] asked Scott [a guy who helped the Beliebers AATW to have #BelieveMovie in their country] that Indonesian's Beliebers need #BelieveMovie on our local theater! 

Then Scott tweeted :

Soooooo, we have to be patiently waiting more confirm from Cinema21 and Scott Manson Tomorrowww! :)))

  • Visiting Papa plus Adventuring AMBON! :D
Papa has a plan. He wants their daughters have a blast holiday in Ambon. I also so excited!!! Yey! Yey! I can't wait to adventuring Ambon! i really wanna go to the incredible beach! yup! the beach called by "Hawaii" in Indonesia version. What? Yes! The Ngurbloat Beach believed has The Smoothest Sand in Indonesia, and also in The World after Hawaii :) *proud to be Indonesia* It also easy to reach by plane from Ambon. Ahh!!!!!!! CAN'T WAIT TO GET THERE!!! :)))))))

That's a few of my lists that i wanna have after the exams. I still have more lists that not gonna enough to write here. lol :P

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