Monday, November 25, 2013

Word Order

So, now i wanna share to y'all about word order. FYI, i had learned about this in my school a.k.a 8SHS {SMAN 8 TANGERANG}! So, i wanna share this because this is very important to you! You have to know about this! You don't know about word order, so your english is still in the bottom standard. So, check this out!

What's Word Order?
Word order is a phrase coming from more than one word that function as a noun. The word used must be in order. It's uses adjective.

The pattern :

{Determiner + Opinion + Size + Age + Shape + Colour + Origin + Material + Purpose + NOUN}

It's abbreviated by :


  • Determiner ~ Indicate the numbers/ article (a, an, the)
  • Opinion ~ Indicate the opinion (nice, interesting, beautiful, friendly, dirty, famous, etc)
  • Size ~ Indicate the size (big, small, large, tall, long)
  • Age ~ Indicate the age (old, young, new)
  • Shape ~ Indicate the shape (round, square, circular)
  • Colour ~ Indicate the colour (red, black, green)
  • Origin ~ Indicate the nationallity (italianese, indonesianese, japanese)
  • Material ~ Indicate the material (plastic, wooden, bather)
  • Purpose ~ Indicate the activity + V-ing (walking, running, reading)

for example : 
for travelling - brown - big - a girl - bag - new - cute
~  A girl has cute new brown for travelling bag.

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