Saturday, November 30, 2013


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))))))

So, lemme tell you. I woke up at 7.30 am. Then, i cleaned my room. Then i have another job at weekend. That's i have to set my clothes into my cupboard. While i was setting them, i turned on the Prambors radio to decrease my boredom. Then, Top Asia Pop 40 was playing! The song that was playing on it is Wrecking Ball by Miley Cyrus. I don't really excited to hear it. Just enjoyed it at least.

But, I heard Dom Lau said that "Ladies and Gentleman ... This is *Rollercoaster by Justin Bieber .." 


Then, i really enjoyed the "Rollercoaster" :)))

Then, i continued to set my clothes into my cupboard. AND WHAT?! STORY OF MY LIFE WAS PLAYING ON IT TOO!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

ASIA POP 40 IS DA BEST! I enjoyed the incredible song by One Direction :D

Then, i continued my job. Then, i heard Dom Lau said that "Our new #1 this week is coming up next ..... Who's gonna be the #1 in this week? @onedirection or @justinbieber?"

Then, the answer is *PYD by Justin Bieber is #2 this week. And #1 this week is "Diana" by One Direction !
That's alright. I was so hyped to hear them!!!!! 

And FYI, i just stalked on their website. Then i got this!

This Asia Pop 40 chart current for week ending 23 November 2013. Last updated.
And *All Bad is #1, 23 November 2013.



(*)Im gonna tell you more about it. That's all is part of #MusicMondays #journals. Tell you more on "Surprises" on next posts ;) Keep waiting!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Rehat sejenak

Hari ini adalah hari berakhirnya belajar efektif untuk semester 1. Gak kerasa waktu berjalan cepat banget. Saatnya hari ini untuk "bernafas" sejenak sebelum US1 dimulai. Tinggal 3 hari lagi. Im gonna take some medicine to decrease my sickness. I need to decrease it, so i could pass the exams in 8SHS {SMAN 8 TANGERANG} verrryyy well! Amen :)

Hope Allah always gives me keep healthy, keep calm, keep relax, keep moving forward and keep never say never during the exams and so on :D
Amen :)





@jsmanson on twitter :





This is just a plan

So, kemarin abis pulang les english di Mr. Fuad. Selagi waktu senggang, kita nogbrol-ngobrol tentang jalan-jalan. Well, angkatan gue (ang.10) SMAN 8 TANGERANG belum pernah nge-rasain yang namanya study tour di masa SMA. Gue dan teman-teman gue usul ke Mr supaya mr bisa bantu untuk ngurusin study tour angkatan kita. abisnya kapan lagi dong?Tahun depan kita udah kelas 3 dan harus fokus ke UN. Kakak kls 12 kita sekarang aja udah 2 kali ngadain study tour. Sedangkan kita belum sama sekali :(

Mr bilang "Ayo ayo aja saya mah ... asalkan kalian antusias atau gak? kalau saya lihat kalian antusias. Nanti saya bantu lah..." terus gue sama teman-teman gue serempak jawab "Beuhh.. kita udah lama nungguin study tour datang mr. kita antusias banget. teman-teman kita yang dikelas lain juga antusias kok mr. ayolah mr bantu kita.... kita belum pernah jalan-jalan selama SMA ini mr. Kalau gak ada study tour, rasanya krik banget ..." 

Terus mr kasih syarat ke kita. Kalau kita emang niat, kita harus mulai melakukan berbagai upaya dari sekarang, Ya, salah satu upaya terpenting adalah ngumpulin biaya dari sekarang atau nabung. Terus, kita harus tentuin mau kemana kita pergi. Usahain jangan ke Bandung atau Jogja lagi lah.. bosen itu-itu mulu -_- 
Kalau ke G.Bromo ayukkk lahhhh!!!

Gue extremely excited banget kalau ke G.Bromo! Gue udah ngebetttt banget pingin ke sana. Gue pingin gue gak liat G.Bromo dari foto lagi! Tapi, gue udah pernah liat G.Bromo nyata di depan mata gue sendiri!

Ya Allah ... its gonna be extremely awesome experience for the rest of my life!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Detik-detik menjelang US

Detik-detik menjelang US1 (Ujian Semester 1) di SMAN 8 TANGERANG. Pasti banyak godaan dan cobaan yang kadang bisa berakibat sedikit fatal.

Contohnya kayak gue ini nih. Hari ini gue merasa agak sedikit gak enak badan. Sariawan gue sakit banget. Godaan minum es capcin gak menghalangi gue. Mungkin, karena itulah badan gue terasa panas dingin. Dan di tambah lagi selama hampir seminggu ini, gue tidurnya malam terus. It because of homework that won't let me to close my eyes are getting tired, slowly but sure. Dan keselnya lagi, 'mata panda' gue semakin kelihatan jelas -_-

Gue berdo'a sama Allah agar Dia beri gue kesembuhan, selalu beri gue kesehatan & kesegaran pikiran sampai US1 selesai dan semoga hasilnya memuaskan. Amin :)

"Meet My Idol" :D


So, gue mau share cerita nih ...
Dan ini cerita tentang "Meet My Idol" lohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!


JUST CAN'T REALIZE THAT WAS JUST A dream ......................................................................... sigh-_-

Hahaha xD
tapiii, semoga itu bisa jadi kenyataan dan not just a DREAM HIGH {maksudnya mimpi yang ketinggian} anymore. Amin :") hehe

So, "Meet My Idol" di sini bukan tentang gue ketemu justin. Tapi, ini tentang drama/ short dialogue yang gue bawaain di SMAN 8 TANGERANG pas pelajaran English Conv.
Gue di sini berkelompok sama Adinda sama Vladimir. Drama kita ini berlokasi di Book Store. Gue sebagai Penulis terkenal yang sedang launching novel baru. Famous-nya sederajat sama Selena Gomez lahhh :3 wkwkw. Dinda sebagai fans berat gue, dan Dimir sebagai bodyguard gue B)

Jadi, sebelum drama kelompok gue mulai, gue meminta tolong sama teman-teman SOC1st untuk jadi figuran. Syukurlah, mereka mau dan sangat bersemangat sekali bung! walaupun cuma sebagai figuran haha xD

Da Best lah mereka! :D

Terus, ceritanya Dinda beli novel di toko buku itu, terus pas dinda mau pulang, para figuran gue kasih aba-aba kalau mereka harus udah mulai ngantri untuk minta tanda tangan gue. Tapi, malah kebalikannya. Mereka rusuh! Rusuhnya rusuh bangett! Padahal, gue berharap mereka untuk berbaris rapi, minta tanda tangannya tenang, gak rusuh. Tapi, mereka langsung rusuh gitu. Teriak-teriakin nama gue "Alishaaa!! Alishaaaaaa!! AAAA!!!! Alishaaaa.." Sampai-sampai dimir, harusnya cuma nge-cek buku yang sesuai dengan rules di toko buku, malah jadi menahan mereka sampai kewalahan! Hahaha xD Kocak Asli! Dan itu bener-bener out dari skenario. Tapi, emang mereka hebat! Gue baru sadar, kalau misalnya minta tanda tangannya gak rusuh, drama-nya gak bakalan hidup! Jadinya, krik-krik gimanaaa gituu ... Dan, mereka gerudug-gerudug, rusuh, gak karuan, heboh *imagine how the situation was running* Itu bener-bener bikin gue gak bisa berhenti ketawa! plus pecah konsentrasi gue, lidah gue jadi keseleo untuk ngomong, dan gue harus mengulanginya lagi. Haha xD
Tapi, Alhamdulillah, Dramanya berjalan dengan lancar :)

Dan, itu bukan cuma berkat kerjasama Gue, Dinda sam Dimir doang. Tapi, juga para figuran {Rina, Ijul, Delpy, Robby, Yara, Nopal, Aswin, Farrell, dan semuanyaaa yang gak bisa gue sebutin satu-satu :)}
Mereka semua para figuran yang kreatif menurut gue! Da best lah mereka! Gue berterima kasih banget sama para figuran dan teman-teman SOC1st! Kalian luarr biasaaa !!!

Gue gak tau, kalau gak ada kalian, drama gue bisa krik-krik gaje. Berkat kalian, drama gue jadi lebih hidup! Makasih banyak yaaa semuaa!! :D

*lope-lope di udara dari Amez {Alisha Gomez}* wkwkw :P

Monday, November 25, 2013

Cungux!!! :3

Oi! Oi! Oi!

Sejujurnya, gue merasa bangga bisa jadi a part of Cungux! Cungux? haha oh iyaa yaa, gue belum cerita apa yang dimaksud dengan Cungux :D mangap-mangap ...
So, cungux itu berasal dari huruf c-u-n-g-u-x! jehh-_- haha. Se-pengetahuan gue, istilah ini itu dicetuskan oleh teman gue Achmed sama Raka :3 Jadi, sebenarnya gue juga gak tau pasti ya asal mula istilah ini, istilah ini tuh seakan 'meledak famous' bagi kelas X6 SMAN 8 TANGERANG #10. Se-pengetahuan gue, istilah ini berawal ketika anak-anak lagi main hp di kolong meja saat guru lagi menjelaskan materi. Sedikit info dari ijul (gue baca blognya ijul ttg cungux hehe :p) awalnya, cangak, karena cangak kelihatannya udah mainstream sama pula mainstream-nya dengan hampir semua anak-anak main hp di kolong meja, jadi diganti lah dengan CUNGUX! *pake "x" biar kelihatan gahoel wkwk :D*

Cungux itu benar-benar famous lhoo :3 hehe
Cungux itu menurut gue unique and crazy abisss haha :D
Unique-nya karena kita punya kamus cungux. Kita punya kata-kata yang dijamin gak ada di dalam kamus Bahasa Indonesia. Contohnya aja "Lelean" <- kata ini udah mewabah melebihi wabah flu burung *loh Pencetusnya Adit. Artinya itu "sok" atau "gaya lu!" gituuu.
Terus, ada teman gue juga unique banget, namanya Lukman. Bang joy ini suka nyanyi gaje. Kalau gue atau anak cungux lagi ngomong sama dia, pasti salah satu kata yang kita lagi omongin, dia bawa ke irama yang dia ciptain sendiri. Gue suka ngakak kalau nge-denger dia nyanyi dari kata-kata abstrak yang lagi kita omongin xD Terus ada lagi Kimul a.k.a Mulki, dia agak unique juga tapi agak aneh juga -_- Kita gak cukup panggil dia satu kali, maksimal 3 kali deh, terus pas kita panggil "Mulki.." pasti jawabannya "Ha? ha?" wkwk xD

Pokoknya, banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak bangettttttttttt deh hal-hal yang seru, unique, crazy yang gue jumpain di Cungux! :D
Nah, gue mau share beberapa foto cungux nih! :)

CUNGUX Family :D {}

"Canda, tawa, tangis, ke-kompakkan, kebersamaan, dan ke-CUNGUX-an kita akan menjadi sebuah kenangan yang tak lekang di makan oleh waktu :)" 

*sing "WE LOVE YOU CUNGUX! WE DO! {3x}


Word Order

So, now i wanna share to y'all about word order. FYI, i had learned about this in my school a.k.a 8SHS {SMAN 8 TANGERANG}! So, i wanna share this because this is very important to you! You have to know about this! You don't know about word order, so your english is still in the bottom standard. So, check this out!

What's Word Order?
Word order is a phrase coming from more than one word that function as a noun. The word used must be in order. It's uses adjective.

The pattern :

{Determiner + Opinion + Size + Age + Shape + Colour + Origin + Material + Purpose + NOUN}

It's abbreviated by :


  • Determiner ~ Indicate the numbers/ article (a, an, the)
  • Opinion ~ Indicate the opinion (nice, interesting, beautiful, friendly, dirty, famous, etc)
  • Size ~ Indicate the size (big, small, large, tall, long)
  • Age ~ Indicate the age (old, young, new)
  • Shape ~ Indicate the shape (round, square, circular)
  • Colour ~ Indicate the colour (red, black, green)
  • Origin ~ Indicate the nationallity (italianese, indonesianese, japanese)
  • Material ~ Indicate the material (plastic, wooden, bather)
  • Purpose ~ Indicate the activity + V-ing (walking, running, reading)

for example : 
for travelling - brown - big - a girl - bag - new - cute
~  A girl has cute new brown for travelling bag.

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Things on my bag

Tiap orang pasti punya barang-barang/ sesuatu/ things yang penting atau yang gak penting untuk dibawa ke suatu tempat. Di sini, gue mau share barang-barang apa aja yang gue bawa saat bepergian ke suatu tempat! :)

  • To school
Sebagai salah satu murid di SMAN 8 TANGERANG, tas ransel cokelat gue pasti penuh sama yang namanya buku! Buku paket, buku tulis, buku lks, buku coret-coret, dan buku memo pasti gak absen di dalam tas gue. Gak ketinggalan Oxford Dictionary, Japan - Indonesia Dictionary juga gue bawa. Sebenarnya, capek juga sih bawa buku berattt bangettt! 5kg ada kali! Emang bener kata kak Aldo {Mantan Ketos di sekolah gue} Dia bilang kalau di SMA 8, kita semua bakalan agak sulit untuk tinggi. lol xD tapi, kayaknya emang bener deh. Soalnya, tinggi gue sama adek gue kejar-kejaran. Padahal, adek gue baru umur 12 tahun! Makanya, gue sering bilang ke adek gue "Dek, minum susu HiLo -nya jangan sering-sering yaa. Ngalah dulu kek, biar kakak lu tinggi dulu." hahahaha xD

But, itu gak jadi penghalang kok. Gue membagi mereka dengan 2 tas. Jadi, adil. Buku tulis, lks, memo, dan coret-coretan gue tarok di tas ransel gue. Sedangkan, buku paket dan kamus, gue taruh di tas jinjing. Syukurlah, itu semua gak jadi beban yang berattt untuk di pundak gue lagi, cause gue sekarang udah bawa motor. Jadi, tas ransel yang isinya penuh tadi, gue tarok di tempat kaki di motor :D 

Terus, yang itu baru utamanya, ada lagi isi tambahan dalam tas gue. 
Barang-barang yang sering dianggap remeh tapi khasiatnya Beuh! Urgent banget!
Kayak, tissue, jepit rambut. Terus, minyak kayu putih atau freshcare sama Vicks! Itu gak absen semenjak gue SMP! haha xD 
Kalau pas SMP, gue sering pake, walaupun lagi sakit peyut atau gak. Dal, besties smp gue ngerti banget kalau ada aroma minyak kayu putih atau freshcare semerbak di udara, pasti itu datangnya dari gue! haha xD

Terusss, ada dasi dan topi. Mereka gak pernah gue keluarin dari tas sekolah gue. Karena, kalau sampai gue ketinggalan salah satu dari mereka, itu Gawat banget!!! Gue punya dasi biru 2, satu gue beli sendiri, satu lagi dari kak Icha, alumni 8, anaknya teman mama gue. Dia baik banget kasih gue dasi! Dengan begitu, gue bisa help teman-teman gue yang gak bawa dasi! So, they can be safe from the punishment that comes from Mr :")

Lalu, ada lagi... Sesuatu yang paling penting buat cewek! Itu juga gak boleh absen dari tas gue! :)

  • Jalan-jalan
Kalau isi tas gue untuk jalan sihh gak banyak, kadang juga gue gak bawa tas. Abisnya males -_- ribet.
Tas yang gue bawa pun isinya cuma freshcare, tissue, hp, sama uang paling kecil 50rb (jalan-jalan dekat, kayak lippo) besar 70-100rb (jalan-jalan jauh, tapi sebenernya gue jarang jalan-jalan jauh -_-). udah itu doang. Kadang juga isinya bekal (pergi jalan-jalan jauh), sama aqua. Udah. simple plus irit. Jehhh -_- hahaha :P

Gotta have them!

Well, 7 days left to the exams of the 1st semester in 8SHS {SMAN 8 TANGERANG}!

Sebelum exams mulai, pasti di kepala kita tuh udah terbayang-bayang dan gak bisa sabar-an sama yang namanya HOLIDAYS or RELAXING!
Contohnya yaaa ... kayak gue ini! haha xD

Seminggu sebelum exams aja gue nge-rasa udah pingin cepet-cepet melanjutkan adventure gue! Di kepala gue ini udah banyak lists yang bakal gue lakuin abis exams!

Lists that i wanna do after fought with the exams :

  • Watch "Frozen" by Disney. 
It will be released in Indonesia 2 days left! But ... i've to prepare for the exams. So, i'll watch it later after punched the exams :))) CAN'T WAIT!!!! *FYI, Demi Lovato released her cover of "Let It Go" for the film's soundtrack!!! TE AMO DEMI !!! :*

  • Watch "This Is Us" 3D movie by One Direction. 

Poor me. I haven't watched it yet! Otherwise, my seat mates, Rina had watched it! She doesn't really love 1D but because her friends was chillin at her house then they asked her to watch "This Is Us" so she agreed and she watched it! And Rina watched it just a day after it had been released!!!! I've tried to have a free time to watch it. But, i wasn't able to. I had to accompany my dad to Ambon. Well, i'm gonna buy and watch it after the exams!!! 

  • Watch "Believe Movie" by Justin Bieber.

This. movie. is. a. MUST! 
This is the 2nd documentary film by Justin Bieber. The 1st documentary film is "Never Say Never".
I've watched "NSN". It was too AWESOME! Never bored to watch it. Happy and Sad moments are mixed in "Never Say Never". 

And, now, he's gonna release his 2nd movie. That's "Believe Movie".
I think it's not gonna be too different with "NSN Movie." 
And ofcourseee!!! It's gonna be MORE AWESOME than NSN! :))))

It'll be released on Christmas Day. Yeahh.. a month left. Buttt, it still not sure whether it will available in Indonesia or not. Because, this movie releases in the LIMITED TIME ONLY!

Thankfully, @justinbieberID [the official fanpage for Indonesian's Beliebers] asked Scott [a guy who helped the Beliebers AATW to have #BelieveMovie in their country] that Indonesian's Beliebers need #BelieveMovie on our local theater! 

Then Scott tweeted :

Soooooo, we have to be patiently waiting more confirm from Cinema21 and Scott Manson Tomorrowww! :)))

  • Visiting Papa plus Adventuring AMBON! :D
Papa has a plan. He wants their daughters have a blast holiday in Ambon. I also so excited!!! Yey! Yey! I can't wait to adventuring Ambon! i really wanna go to the incredible beach! yup! the beach called by "Hawaii" in Indonesia version. What? Yes! The Ngurbloat Beach believed has The Smoothest Sand in Indonesia, and also in The World after Hawaii :) *proud to be Indonesia* It also easy to reach by plane from Ambon. Ahh!!!!!!! CAN'T WAIT TO GET THERE!!! :)))))))

That's a few of my lists that i wanna have after the exams. I still have more lists that not gonna enough to write here. lol :P

Friday, November 22, 2013

Am i exist, Justin?

I have been waiting for almost 3 years to get the gold chance that's get a notice and a follow from a boy who always comes in into my dream, yup, Justin. 
I can't be a liar. That's the fact. I'm telling you the truth, not fake.

Sometimes, i feel 'jelly' at my friends in my class that's SOC1st, 8SHS {SMAN 8 TANGERANG}.
Especially at Isal and Dedep.
I have no idea, they were too lucky!!!
Justin had noticed and followed both of them!
It put me lil bit down, honestly. 
And, they weren't expected though that Justin followed them!
Ahh ... i missed too much opportunity...

And, these things that put me really down ...
"November, 19th 2013
Justin noticed and followed almost 100 Beliebers ..." 
I didn't count them. lol
But, that's my prediction.
Many congrats to them ...

Here's some of Belieber's tweets that was replied by Justin.

Please say "Amen" if you read the caption of the picts. Because, they're my hope.
It'd mean The World to me, guys ...
Thankyou so much :)

*Courtesy : Justin's Timeline ... -le crying-*

She succeed to put "Thankyou Justin" as her name.
"I hope, i'll turn someday ..."

"Please, gives me the proof too, Justin ..."



This tweet made me can't stop to laughing HAHA xD
How cute this tweet is :D

"No, It's possible to me to get noticed by @justinbieber!"

"Sigh! me too! He ignores me almost 3 years. He must stop doing that to me!"

"Not forever, maybe today or 'SOON' ... he's gonna notice me .."

"I'd loved to!"

This the sweetest tweet ever, BiebsHeaven ! :)

"I'm gonna never give up. Yes. Justin is going to follow and notice me. It's OK! ;)"

Dear Justin Bieber ...

please search @Lisa_Ulfah on twitter.
I've been waitin' for you almost 3 years. Hope you understand that it is not a short time to get all i wanted from you so far ...
I love you, Kidrauhl 

What's Spoof?

What's spoof?

I had learned about spoof when i was at grade 1, in 8SHS {SMAN 8 TANGERANG} :)
I just wanna share to y'all who wants to know more about spoof!
Please check this out!!!

Spoof is an amusing or interesting story that tells events in a chronological sequence. A spoof is like a recount text in that you have to write a non-fiction but humorous story with a twist/unexpected ending. The order that the events is very important.

The communicative purpose of spoof is to entertain reader with an amusing story.

The organization of spoof text divided into 3, that is :
  1. Orientation, present the background information on the who, when and where of the event.
  2. Events, the body tells the events that took place in the order that happened.
  3. Twist/unexpected ending, the event starts to end with an unexpected turn.
And now, i'm gonna give you the example of spoof text :

Ben finally found a maintenance job at a prestigious hotel. A few days later he was instructed to check out problem in the ladies toilet. At first, he thought it might be a chocked basin. Having inspected it, he found the basins were in perfect working condition.

Suddenly, he heard a woman screaming “ I can’t get out!. I am stuck, please help!”

Been took out a screwdriver and twisted the locking mechanism to the open position from outside. The door swung open inward and he saw the hotel receptioniststruck in the toilet cubical. She was very embarrassed and both left the toilet quietly.

A few days later, they happened to walk along the same corridor and accidentally bumped into each other still very embarrassed of what happened at the toilet on that fateful day. Six months after the incident they finally overcome their embarrassment and ultimately got married. The first thing they did before they moved into their new house was to replace the bathroom door with one without a lack or latch.

Kinda Stressed Out


So far ... i'm kinda stressed outttt!!!

What? Yes.
I have too much group tasks for presentation, homework on LKS and also on Text Book.
Like, you have no idea how much they are! No wonder that im kinda stressed out !!!
Stressed out this week, and 2 weeks to goo!!!!
2 weeks to go, im gonna have the exam for a week!

Well, what i'm supposed to do? This is the consequence.
Being a student in 8SHS a.k.a {SMAN 8 TANGERANG}
That's too familiar when you get too much tasks and homework that you have to do!

Well, to be honest, i'm gonna trying to finish it well though!
And, i hope Allah helps me to finish them and i could pass the exam and get the best score! Amen :)

-BREAK LEG Amez!!!!-
wkwk :3

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Story of My Life - One Direction

They told us about how sweetness of their past memories with their family ... :)

Ben Winston said that he tried so hard not used green screen or special effect for their pictures. He tried to get the sweetest picture of them with their family. To showing us that what we see in the video of Story Of My Life - One Direction is a reality!

After back from my school a.k.a. 8SHS {SMAN 8 TANGERANG} Then, I tried to feel relax for awhile. Turned my phone, and this song was on replaying! I really can't describe how incredible this video, this song, and about the relationship between them and their family! So heart touching! :")

Here you are the video of Story of My Life ....

"Your tears will be turn down on your face.
But, wipe it with a smile ..." - Me :)

Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain,

I leave my heart open but it stays right here empty for days.

She told me in the morning she don't feel the same about us in her bones,

It seems to me that when I die these words will be written on my stone.

Pre-chorus - Zayn
And I'll be gone gone tonight

The ground beneath my feet is open wide

The way that I been holdin' on too tight

With nothing in between

Chorus - Harry
The story of my life I take her home

I drive all night to keep her warm and time…

Is frozen (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life I give her hope

I spend her love until she's broke inside

The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

Verse 2 - Niall
Written on these walls are the colours that I can't change

Leave my heart open but it stays right here in its cage

I know that in the morning now, I'll see us in the light upon a hill

Although I am broken my heart is untamed stillx

Pre-chorus - Louis
And I'll be gone gone tonight

The fire beneath my feet is burning bright

The way that I been holdin' on so tight

With nothing in between

Chorus - Harry
The story of my life I take her home

I drive all night to keep her warm and time…

Is frozen (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life I give her hope

I spend her love until she's broke inside

The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

Bridge - Zayn
And I been waiting for this time to come around

But baby running after you is like chasing the clouds

Middle 8 - Niall
The story of my life I take her home

I drive all night to keep her warm and time…

Is frozen

Chorus - All
The story of my life I give her hope (give her hope)

I spend her love until she's broke inside (until she's broke inside)

The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life
The story of my life (the story of, the story of)

The story of my life

*all pictures taken from Tumblr*

Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Poor Condition of Bus Transjakarta

Hey Guys!
Well, Now, Im gonna talking about my own opinion when for the first time i used Bus Tranjakarta a.k.a Busway to explore The Metropolitan City a.k.a Jakarta :)

Well, honestly, I made a text. This text called by Recount Text. This was told by me to my english teacher at school that's 8 Senior High School (SMAN 8 TANGERANG). This was my task when i was at grade 1. The goals is to know my ability in speaking.

So, please take a look!

The Poor Condition of Bus Transjakarta

Well, Bus Transjakarta is a public transportation which we always call it by "Busway". Busway is an alternative way to avoid the traffic stuck. But, the society includes me feel not very satisfied with the condition of Busway. The condition is very poor. For the first poor condition we can take a look at the bus shelter. The condition of the bus shelter isn't maintained. Then, the glass wall full of sticker, advertising brocures, advertising sticker. And then, the bridge as a communicator makes the people afraid to get across. And the passengers don't line up neatly. So, it makes all passengers dont feel comfort with it. Actually, i saw the officer, but, he didn't do anything. He didn't manage the passengers who didnt line up neatly. I think he is not responsible with his job. 

Second, it's about the condition of the busway. So, when the busway come in, the passengers were scrambling to get in into the bus. Then the officer is confused to manage the passengers who were trying to get in it. Finally, the bus began so crowded, full of the passengers. They were thrust, encourage each other to get the comfort spot. And about the facility in the busway, AC was broken, sometimes AC is getting warm or not too cool. A speaker for give the information about the the next bus shelter, in fact, didn't work very well. Then, the eldery passengers and woman pregnants couldn't sit on the chair because the chair was already full and crowded. And, the last problem is about the other public transportation (such as taxi, kopaja, etc) still cut or be brave to get in into the way that it is only way for the Busway. And not just the public transportation. So do the people who still be brave to get across in it. In fact, the across bridge is not far from them. 

In my own opinion, the government must fix the problems, then they must uphold the rules that they made. I suggest, the government must give the strong punishment for whom break the rules. Because, it makes the people be wary and not do it anymore. If everything about the public transportation runs well, it will make the society feels comfort and pleased. They surely loved to used Busway or another public transportation. So, many advantage that we can get!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Sharing to you some Info ;)

What's up duuuude? Selamat satnight!

Sabar ya buat para JONES yang satnightnya di PHP-in terus sama SMS operator .. Hahaha xD
Klo gue? Gue yaaa ..... satnightnya bareng abang gue tercintah lahhh!! Siapa lagi kalau bukan abang Justin :* Abis gue nge-post ini, kita berdua mau dinner di Lippo :"3 hihi

Well, i will share some info to y'all. Yes!!! I love reading. But, if im in the good mood to read and if the topic is quite interesting to read! I'd loved to! hahaha :D

So, pas hari Rabu minggu lalu, pas pelajaran EC {English Conversation} di kelas SOC1st SMAN 8 TANGERANG. Kita gak belajar a.k.a FREE!! Jadilah, kita mengadakan "SOC1st THEATRE" atau istilah kerennya "NoBar SOC1st."
Gue berharap sih, film yang bakalan di putar itu film animasi Disney. Tapi ... yang di putar malah The Conjuring '_'
Kalau soal film kayak gini gue paling gak suka! Meskipun Rina bilang kalau filmnya cuma banyak scene yang nga-getin. Tetap aja gue gak terpengaruh dengan rayuan Rina. O to the Gah. Ogah!

Dan, akhirnya gue mencari 'something' yang bisa nemenin gue selagi anak-anak menikmati The Conjuring. Gue keliling keliling kelilingggg...
Akhirnyaaaa!! Gue liat Zahid a.k.a Welas{soalnya Zahid mirip sama Asri Welas :P hehe} bawa majalahhhhhhhh!!! Aaaa!!! Gue seneng bangettt :))) Terus, gue bujuk Zahid supaya dia mau minjemin majalahnya. Syukurlah, Zahid mau minjemin majalahnya ke gue :D

FYI, kalau gue baca majalah itu gak langsung di baca. Pertama-tama gue ngeliat-ngeliat isi nya dulu. Kedua, gue nge-liat bagian News Hollywood. Trus gue nyari seseorang yang siapa tau ada di News Hollywood itu, Yee .. siapa lagi kalau bukan Justin :* Trus, kalau menurut gue isi dalam majalah menarik, yowes langsung gue baca :D

Dan, majalah yang Zahid kasih pinjam ke gue itu Majalah Girlfriend Indonesia.
Dan ternyata, banyak info-info tentang Hollywood {Ada Selena sama Justin}, tentang kecantikan, fashion, kehidupan, banyak lagiii dehh!!

Nah, gue sekarang mau share beberapa info yang sumbernya dari Majalah Girlfriend :)

*About Friends

Berpacaran sama sahabat ada Positif dan Negatifnya lho ...

Positives Sides :
+ Karena awalnya kalian bersahabat, so, lu dan dia pasti udah benar-benar saling mengenal sikap dan karakter satu sama lain. Jadi, lu gak perlu jaim dan waste your time buat PDKT!
+ Semua teman-teman lu, teman dia juga. Then, you dont have to be worry!
+ Sebagai mantan sahabat, kalian bisa menjadi pasangan dengan visi, misi, dan hobi yang sama.

Negative Sides :
- Punya pacar dalam teman satu geng terkadang membuatmu sulit berkumpul kalau kondisi hubungan lu sama dia lagi bermasalah.
- Gak ada peraturan dimana saat lu mau membagi waktu buat teman dan pacar secara terpisah.

  • Dragon Fruit a.k.a buah naga memiliki segudang manfaat untuk kesehatan. Diantaranya sebagai penyeimbang kadar gula darah, pelindung kesehatan mulut, pencegah kanker usus, pencegah pendarahan dan (Important for you girls!) mampu mengobati masalah keputihan. Moreover, buah naga juga banyak mengandung kadar air dan vitamin penting, seperti vitamin B1 (mencegah demam badan) dan vitamin C (menambah kelicinan, kehalusan kulit dan mencegah jerawat).
  • 75% dari kamu pernah mengalami sakit maag akibat sering makan terlambat!
  • 20% bakteri mulut (oral bacteria) sits on your teeth, dan 80% lainnya menyebar di sekitar lidah, gusi dan pipi. Soo... brushing your entire mouth is really important!
  • Batuk dan bersin berlebihan bisa menyebabkan subkonjungtiva. Dimana bagian putih mata akan dipenuhi oleh warna merah darah (persis seperti mata Nat di film Black Swan). Well, memang mata bakal tampak mengerikan, tapi selama penyebabnya bukan karena trauma atau benturan keras maka hal ini tidak begitu mengkhawatirkan. Atasi dengan banyak istirahat dan mengonsumsi vitamin C serta vitamin A. Nanti, warna merah tersebut akan hilang dengan sendirinya.
  • Berjalan kaki dan bersepeda mengurangi resiko obesitas lebih dari 30%!
Well, that's some info which i could share to y'all at this time. There are so many infooo that i wanna share! So, Stay tune on the next post! 
GBye! ;)

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ashamed and Guilty Are Mixed


Gue mau curhat sedikit nih tentang kejadian hari ini di sekolah.

To be honest, I'm still feeling so guilty especially to my friends in my class that's SOC1st SMAN 8 TANGERANG and ......... about what happened today and yeahh.. i feel so ashamed and so guilty... ahhh!! I wanna close my eyes and crying. Can't really handle this :"(

Waktu hari Senin kemarin, Mr.Fuad a.k.a Mr gave a group tasks. Then, gue sekelompok sama Bunga, Isal, sama Nopal. Nah, tugas dari Mr itu lumayan sulit bagi gue, but i think it's quite fun! (before "something" wrong happened) to us.

Jadi, tugas kelompoknya itu adalah gue dan temen-temen kelompok gue mencoba membuat karangan sebuah cerita. Tapi ............ gue cerita lebih detail ya. Sebelum gue sekelompok sama BIN (Bunga, Isal, Nopal) *maaf kalo singkatannya aneh -_-* Mr kasih sebuah potongan gambar (rahasia) dari beberapa gambar lain, yang boleh tau cuma gue sama temen sebaris. Dan, Mr juga melakukan hal yang sama ke baris yang lain. Baris yang lain gak boleh tau gambar yang baris gue dapet kayak apa. Dan, barisan gue juga gak bisa tau gambar-gambar apa yang di dapat di barisan lain.

Terus... Isal as the leader, bertugas mencari teman tapi dari barisan lain. Gak boleh dari barisan dia. So, dia pilih gue, Bunga, sama Nopal.
Then, kita melakukan diskusi. Kita mencoba untuk mengeluarkan ingatan kita tentang gambar yang kita lihat tadi. Dan, pastinya, gambar itu masih random dan kita harus menyusunnya agar bisa menjadi sebuah cerita yang dimaksud sama Mr.

Setelah berunding dan berdebat 3 hari 3 malam *canda dikit biar gue berhenti nangis -_-*
Kelompok gue FIX! kalau cerita yang dimaksud sama Mr itu cerita tentang Kakek yang menolong seorang remaja laki-laki yang mengalami kecelakaan di lampu merah. Then, dengan bangga dan pede abisssssssss kita kasih judul cerita yang udah kita susun berurutan dari A-Z ini dengan judul "The True Hero." Jadi, yang menjadi pahlawan di cerita yang udah gue susun bersama BIN adalah si kakek.

Dan, hari ini Mr kasih tau THE REAL STORY!
And ... what my group supposed to do? OUR STORY IS OUT OF THE REAL STORY!
Here, this part that made me feel so guilty and so ashamed, especially to BIN :"(
Gue merasa gak enak sama mereka. Sama sekali gak enak hati. Bersalah sama malu campur aduk rasanya. Pinginnnn banget rasanya Mr kasih gue group task yang lain. Pinginnn bangettt group task ini tuh cuma sekedar pemanasan dan games doang dan bukan untuk nilai praktek. Tapi, mau gimana lagi?
Awalnya, BIN sempet kesal ke gue. Karena, gue kasih clue yang beda dari gambar asli yang Mr tunjukin abis kasitau nilai kami. Dan, gue juga sempat kesal sama Bunga dan Isal pun juga kurang jelas kasih clue gambar pas kita lagi diskusi sama-sama. Tapi guys, akhirnya kita semua saling minta maaf. Tapi, tetep aja masih ada rasa bersalah yang belum bisa pergi dari gue sampai sekarang.

Well, I wanna say, I'm sorry BIN.
Ini pelajaran berharga bagi gue supaya gue lebih teliti lagi kedepannya. Maaf kalau gue buat kalian kecewa sama kesal :'(

Semoga kita semua gak mengulangi hal yang sama kedepannya. Amin :"D

Sunday, November 10, 2013

As The Closing {#Futuristik_2013}


Kemarin, Futuristik 2013 SMAN 8 TANGERANG resmi ditutup.
Dannn, gue tampil bersama teman-teman padus yang lain menyanyikan lagu ter-DA BEST kami yaitu "Bungong Jeumpa."

FYI, gue udah pernah latihan menyanyikan not Bungong Jeumpa waktu gue kelas 10. Sayangnya, gue gak kepilih untuk ikutan mengisi lomba di tingkat kota. Tapi, itu gak buat gue kecewa banget kok. Toh, gue juga mikir kalau gue juga pasti bisa tampil di lain lomba :D

Dan gue malah senenggg bangetttt!! Pas tau kalau SMAN 8 TANGERANG MENANG LOMBA DI TINGKAT KOTA!!! KITA JUARA 1 !!! Alhamdulillah ... :)
Pokoknya, pas tau kita menang, gue jingkrak-jingkrak di rumah sambil megang hp sambil nge-tweet Congrats ke Delta Voice dan beberapa temen-temen gue yang ikut lomba yaitu Rina, Robby sama Komang :D

Karena, perjuangan mereka benar-benar terbalaskan! Rina cerita ke gue kalau mereka dispen dari pagi sampai jam 7-8 malam untuk latihan selama seminggu! Dont have any ideas how exhausted they are.

Dan, perjuangan itu udah pernah gue rasain walaupun cuma 3 hari.
So, gue beserta adek-adek padus kelas 10 latihan untuk tampil di penutupan Futuristik 2013. Dari hari Rabu, Kamis, dan Jum'at kita latihan menyanyikan lagu Bungong Jeumpa. Gue sempet nge-down karena gue kan di bag. Alto 1, di alto 1 beberapa lirik harus dinyanyikan dengan falset. Dan, gue belum pernah mencoba menyanyi menggunakan falset yang benar. Gue emang nyanyi lagu Justin pake falset, tapi versi abal-abal -_- haha

Untungnya, Kak Selvira a.k.a Kak Sel, Deka, sama Denysa mau ngajarin gue dan temen-temen alto 1 yang lain. Dan untungnya lagi ada Yutari a.k.a Tari yang bisa "mancing" gue untuk ngambil falset. Gue gak tau harus gimana lagi kalau gak ada mereka semua. Thanks Guys! :)

Dan, penampilan kita di penutupan Futuristik 2013 DONE VERY WELL! Alhamdulillah :)